
Cisco ASR 1001-X V03ネットワーク、SFPモジュール 2個付、Version 16.03.04、初期化済み、動作確認済み

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新品 218,000円 (税込)


管理番号 新品 :12300301 発売日 2024/06/03 定価 218,000円 型番 12300301

Cisco ASR 1001-X V03ネットワーク、SFPモジュール 2個付、Version 16.03.04、初期化済み、動作確認済み

Cisco ASR 1001-X V03ネットワーク、SFPモジュール 2個付、Version 16.03.04、初期化済み、動作確認済み
・本体・モジュール SFP-10GLR-31x1個 SFP-10G-SRx1個ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
** Cisco ASR1001-X* S/N : FXS2135Q168***
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Router#show clock*02:36:35.920 UTC Mon May 15 2023
Router#show invNAME: "Chassis", DESCR: "Cisco ASR1001-X Chassis"PID: ASR1001-X , VID: V03 , SN: FXS2135Q168
NAME: "Power Supply Module 0", DESCR: "Cisco ASR1001-X AC Power Supply"PID: ASR1001-X-PWR-AC , VID: V01 , SN: LIT21302DMH
NAME: "Power Supply Module 1", DESCR: "Cisco ASR1001-X AC Power Supply"PID: ASR1001-X-PWR-AC , VID: V01 , SN: LIT21302DMN
NAME: "Fan Tray", DESCR: "Cisco ASR1001-X Fan Tray"PID: ASR1001-X-FANTRAY , VID: , SN:
NAME: "module 0", DESCR: "Cisco ASR1001-X SPA Interface Processor"PID: ASR1001-X , VID: , SN:
NAME: "SPA subslot 0/0", DESCR: "Built-in GE SPA with 2 port 10G and 6 port 1G Interfaces"PID: BUILT-IN-2T+6X1GE , VID: , SN:
NAME: "subslot 0/0 transceiver 0", DESCR: "SFP+ 10GBASE-LR"PID: SFP-10G-LR , VID: , SN: F17CCO06047
NAME: "subslot 0/0 transceiver 1", DESCR: "SFP+ 10GBASE-SR"PID: SFP-10G-SR , VID: G4.1 , SN: AVD21259TEE
NAME: "module R0", DESCR: "Cisco ASR1001-X Route Processor"PID: ASR1001-X , VID: V03 , SN: JAE214104NX
NAME: "module F0", DESCR: "Cisco ASR1001-X Embedded Services Processor"PID: ASR1001-X , VID: , SN:
Router#show verCisco IOS XE Software, Version 16.03.04Cisco IOS Software [Denali], ASR1000 Software (X86_64_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 16.3.4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)Technical Support: Copyright (c) 1986-2017 by Cisco Systems, Inc.Compiled Wed 31-May-17 19:23 by mcpre

Cisco IOS-XE software, Copyright (c) 2005-2017 by cisco Systems, Inc.All rights reserved. Certain components of Cisco IOS-XE software arelicensed under the GNU General Public License ("GPL") Version 2.0. Thesoftware code licensed under GPL Version 2.0 is free software that comeswith ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You can redistribute and/or modify suchGPL code under the terms of GPL Version 2.0. For more details, see thedocumentation or "License Notice" file accompanying the IOS-XE software,or the applicable URL provided on the flyer accompanying the IOS-XEsoftware.

Router uptime is 3 minutesUptime for this control processor is 3 minutesSystem returned to ROM by reloadSystem image file is "bootflash:/asr1001x-universalk9.16.03.04.SPA.bin"Last reload reason: Reload Command

This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to UnitedStates and local country laws governing import, export, transfer anduse. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not implythird-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible forcompliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product youagree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unableto comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.
A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:
If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email toexport@cisco.com.
License Type: PermanentLicense Level: advipservicesNext reload license Level: advipservices
cisco ASR1001-X (1NG) processor (revision 1NG) with 3729256K/6147K bytes of memory.Processor board ID FXS2135Q1686 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces2 Ten Gigabit Ethernet interfaces32768K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.8388608K bytes of physical memory.6594559K bytes of eUSB flash at bootflash:.0K bytes of at harddisk:.0K bytes of at webui:.
Configuration register is 0x2102
Router#show license allLicense Store: Primary License StorageStoreIndex: 0 Feature: interface_10g Version: 1.0 License Type: Permanent License State: Inactive License Count: Non-Counted License Priority: MediumStoreIndex: 1 Feature: advipservices Version: 1.0 License Type: Permanent License State: Inactive License Count: Non-Counted License Priority: MediumStoreIndex: 2 Feature: throughput_20g Version: 1.0 License Type: Permanent License State: Inactive License Count: Non-Counted License Priority: MediumStoreIndex: 3 Feature: interface_10g Version: 1.0 License Type: Permanent License State: Active, Not in Use License Count: Non-Counted License Priority: MediumStoreIndex: 4 Feature: advipservices Version: 1.0 License Type: Permanent License State: Active, In Use License Count: Non-Counted License Priority: MediumStoreIndex: 5 Feature: throughput_20g Version: 1.0 License Type: Permanent License State: Active, Not in Use License Count: Non-Counted License Priority: MediumLicense Store: Built-In License StorageStoreIndex: 0 Feature: adventerprise Version: 1.0 License Type: EvalRightToUse License State: Active, Not in Use, EULA not accepted Evaluation total period: 8 weeks 4 days Evaluation period left: 8 weeks 4 days Period used: 0 minute 0 second License Count: Non-Counted License Priority: NoneStoreIndex: 1 Feature: advipservices Version: 1.0 License Type: EvalRightToUse License State: Inactive Evaluation total period: 8 weeks 4 days Evaluation period left: 8 weeks 4 days Period used: 0 minute 0 second License Count: Non-Counted License Priority: NoneStoreIndex: 2 Feature: avc Version: 1.0 License Type: EvalRightToUse License State: Active, Not in Use, EULA not accepted Evaluation total period: 8 weeks 4 days Evaluation period left: 8 weeks 4 days Period used: 0 minute 0 second License Count: Non-Counted License Priority: NoneStoreIndex: 3 Feature: fwnat_red Version: 1.0 License Type: EvalRightToUse License State: Active, Not in Use, EULA not accepted Evaluation total period: 8 weeks 4 days Evaluation period left: 8 weeks 4 days Period used: 0 minute 0 second License Count: Non-Counted License Priority: NoneStoreIndex: 4 Feature: ipsec Version: 1.0 License Type: EvalRightToUse License State: Active, Not in Use, EULA not accepted Evaluation total period: 8 weeks 4 days Evaluation period left: 8 weeks 4 days Period used: 0 minute 0 second License Count: Non-Counted License Priority: NoneStoreIndex: 5 Feature: lawful_intr Version: 1.0 License Type: EvalRightToUse License State: Active, Not in Use, EULA not accepted Evaluation total period: 8 weeks 4 days Evaluation period left: 8 weeks 4 days Period used: 0 minute 0 second License Count: Non-Counted License Priority: NoneStoreIndex: 6 Feature: lisp Version: 1.0 License Type: EvalRightToUse License State: Active, Not in Use, EULA not accepted Evaluation total period: 8 weeks 4 days Evaluation period left: 8 weeks 4 days Period used: 0 minute 0 second License Count: Non-Counted License Priority: NoneStoreIndex: 7 Feature: otv Version: 1.0 License Type: EvalRightToUse License State: Active, Not in Use, EULA not accepted Evaluation total period: 8 weeks 4 days Evaluation period left: 8 weeks 4 days Period used: 0 minute 0 second License Count: Non-Counted License Priority: NoneStoreIndex: 8 Feature: sw_redundancy Version: 1.0 License Type: EvalRightToUse License State: Active, Not in Use, EULA not accepted Evaluation total period: 8 weeks 4 days Evaluation period left: 8 weeks 4 days Period used: 0 minute 0 second License Count: Non-Counted License Priority: NoneStoreIndex: 9 Feature: throughput_5g Version: 1.0 License Type: EvalRightToUse License State: Active, Not in Use, EULA not accepted Evaluation total period: 8 weeks 4 days Evaluation period left: 8 weeks 4 days Period used: 0 minute 0 second License Count: Non-Counted License Priority: NoneStoreIndex: 10 Feature: throughput_10g Version: 1.0 License Type: EvalRightToUse License State: Active, Not in Use, EULA not accepted Evaluation total period: 8 weeks 4 days Evaluation period left: 8 weeks 4 days Period used: 0 minute 0 second License Count: Non-Counted License Priority: NoneStoreIndex: 11 Feature: throughput_20g Version: 1.0 License Type: EvalRightToUse License State: Inactive Evaluation total period: 8 weeks 4 days Evaluation period left: 8 weeks 4 days Period used: 0 minute 0 second License Count: Non-Counted License Priority: NoneStoreIndex: 12 Feature: vpls Version: 1.0 License Type: EvalRightToUse License State: Active, Not in Use, EULA not accepted Evaluation total period: 8 weeks 4 days Evaluation period left: 8 weeks 4 days Period used: 0 minute 0 second License Count: Non-Counted License Priority: NoneStoreIndex: 13 Feature: interface_10g Version: 1.0 License Type: EvalRightToUse License State: Inactive Evaluation total period: 8 weeks 4 days Evaluation period left: 8 weeks 4 days Period used: 0 minute 0 second License Count: 0/0 (In-use/Violation) License Priority: NoneStoreIndex: 14 Feature: FoundationSuiteK9 Version: 1.0 License Type: EvalRightToUse License State: Active, Not in Use, EULA not accepted Evaluation total period: 8 weeks 4 days Evaluation period left: 8 weeks 4 days Period used: 0 minute 0 second License Count: Non-Counted License Priority: NoneStoreIndex: 15 Feature: AdvUCSuiteK9 Version: 1.0 License Type: EvalRightToUse License State: Active, Not in Use, EULA not accepted Evaluation total period: 8 weeks 4 days Evaluation period left: 8 weeks 4 days Period used: 0 minute 0 second License Count: Non-Counted License Priority: None
Router#Router#Router#show runRouter#show running-configBuilding configuration...
Current configuration : 1656 bytes!! Last configuration change at 02:36:02 UTC Mon May 15 2023!version 16.3service timestamps debug datetime msecservice timestamps log datetime msecno platform punt-keepalive disable-kernel-core!hostname Router!boot-start-markerboot-end-marker!!vrf definition Mgmt-intf ! address-family ipv4 exit-address-family ! address-family ipv6 exit-address-family!!no aaa new-model!!subscriber templating!!!multilink bundle-name authenticated!!!license udi pid ASR1001-X sn JAE214104NX!spanning-tree extend system-iddiagnostic bootup level minimal!!!redundancy mode none!!!interface TenGigabitEthernet0/0/0 no ip address shutdown!interface TenGigabitEthernet0/0/1 no ip address shutdown!interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0 no ip address shutdown negotiation auto!interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1 no ip address shutdown negotiation auto!interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2 no ip address shutdown negotiation auto!interface GigabitEthernet0/0/3 no ip address shutdown negotiation auto!interface GigabitEthernet0/0/4 no ip address shutdown negotiation auto!interface GigabitEthernet0/0/5 no ip address shutdown negotiation auto!interface GigabitEthernet0 vrf forwarding Mgmt-intf no ip address shutdown negotiation auto!ip forward-protocol nd!ip ip ip ip tftp source-interface GigabitEthernet0!!control-plane!!!line con 0 stopbits 1line aux 0 stopbits 1line vty 0 4 login!!!!!!end
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