
CISCO ISR4331/K9 v05初期化済み テスト済み 本体のみ

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新品 22,500円 (税込)


管理番号 新品 :77524959 発売日 2024/06/09 定価 22,500円 型番 77524959

CISCO ISR4331/K9 v05初期化済み テスト済み 本体のみ

CISCO ISR4331/K9 v05初期化済み テスト済み 本体のみ## Cisco ISR4331/K9# S/N : FDO2239A3EA#
Router#Router#Router#Router#Router#sh invNAME: "Chassis", DESCR: "Cisco ISR4331 Chassis"PID: ISR4331/K9 , VID: V05, SN: FDO2239A3EA
NAME: "Power Supply Module 0", DESCR: "250W AC Power Supply for Cisco ISR 4330"PID: PWR-4330-AC , VID: V03, SN: DCA223510MA
NAME: "Fan Tray", DESCR: "Cisco ISR4330 Fan Assembly"PID: ACS-4330-FANASSY , VID: , SN:
NAME: "module 0", DESCR: "Cisco ISR4331 Built-In NIM controller"PID: ISR4331/K9 , VID: , SN:
NAME: "NIM subslot 0/1", DESCR: "NIM-ES2-4"PID: NIM-ES2-4 , VID: V01, SN: FOC22441FVK
NAME: "NIM subslot 0/0", DESCR: "Front Panel 3 ports Gigabitethernet Module"PID: ISR4331-3x1GE , VID: V01, SN:
NAME: "module 1", DESCR: "Cisco ISR4331 Built-In SM controller"PID: ISR4331/K9 , VID: , SN:
NAME: "module R0", DESCR: "Cisco ISR4331 Route Processor"PID: ISR4331/K9 , VID: V05, SN: FDO22371BBT
NAME: "module F0", DESCR: "Cisco ISR4331 Forwarding Processor"PID: ISR4331/K9 , VID: , SN:

Router# shenv% Bad IP address or host name% Unknown command or computer name, or unable to find computer addressRouter#sh env
Number of Critical alarms: 0Number of Major alarms: 0Number of Minor alarms: 0
Slot Sensor Current State Reading---- ------ ------------- ------- P2 RPM: fan0 Normal 12180 RPM P2 RPM: fan1 Normal 12060 RPM P2 RPM: fan2 Normal 12000 RPM P2 RPM: fan3 Normal 12000 RPM P2 P: pwr Normal 10 Watts R0 Temp: Inlet Normal 25 Celsius R0 Temp: Internal Normal 26 Celsius R0 Temp: Outlet Normal 28 Celsius R0 Temp: CPU Normal 30 Celsius R0 V: 12v Normal 12004 mV R0 V: 5v Normal 5082 mV R0 V: 3.3v Normal 3279 mV R0 V: 3.0v Normal 2983 mV R0 V: 2.5v Normal 2494 mV R0 V: 1.35v CPU Normal 1342 mV R0 V: 1.8v Normal 1810 mV R0 V: 1.2v Normal 1198 mV R0 V: VNN CPU Normal 939 mV R0 V: 1.1v Normal 1066 mV R0 V: 1.0v Normal 998 mV R0 V: 1.8v CPU Normal 1814 mV R0 V: DDR Normal 1503 mV R0 V: 3.3v STBY Normal 3339 mV R0 V: 1.5v Normal 1502 mV R0 V: 1.0v CPU Normal 985 mV R0 V: VCC CPU Normal 823 mV R0 V: 0.75v Normal 749 mV R0 I: 12v Normal 3 A R0 P: pwr Normal 33 Watts 0/1 P: pwr: Pwr Normal 3 Watts

Router#sh verCisco IOS XE Software, Version 03.16.06.S - Extended Support ReleaseCisco IOS Software, ISR Software (X86_64_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.5(3)S6, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)Technical Support: Copyright (c) 1986-2017 by Cisco Systems, Inc.Compiled Mon 24-Jul-17 20:26 by mcpre

Cisco IOS-XE software, Copyright (c) 2005-2017 by cisco Systems, Inc.All rights reserved. Certain components of Cisco IOS-XE software arelicensed under the GNU General Public License ("GPL") Version 2.0. Thesoftware code licensed under GPL Version 2.0 is free software that comeswith ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You can redistribute and/or modify suchGPL code under the terms of GPL Version 2.0. For more details, see thedocumentation or "License Notice" file accompanying the IOS-XE software,or the applicable URL provided on the flyer accompanying the IOS-XEsoftware.

Router uptime is 3 minutesUptime for this control processor is 4 minutesSystem returned to ROM by reloadSystem image file is "bootflash:isr4300-universalk9.03.16.06.S.155-3.S6-ext.SPA.bin"Last reload reason: LocalSoft

This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to UnitedStates and local country laws governing import, export, transfer anduse. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not implythird-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible forcompliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product youagree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unableto comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.
A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:
If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email toexport@cisco.com.

Suite License Information for Module:"esg"
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Suite Suite Current Type Suite Next reboot--------------------------------------------------------------------------------FoundationSuiteK9 None None Nonesecurityk9appxk9
AdvUCSuiteK9 None None Noneuck9cme-srstcube

Technology Package License Information:
-----------------------------------------------------------------Technology Technology-package Technology-package Current Type Next reboot------------------------------------------------------------------appxk9 appxk9 RightToUse appxk9uck9 None None Nonesecurityk9 None None Noneipbase ipbasek9 Permanent ipbasek9
cisco ISR4331/K9 (1RU) processor with 1648108K/6147K bytes of memory.Processor board ID FDO2239A3EA7 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces32768K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.4194304K bytes of physical memory.3207167K bytes of flash memory at bootflash:.
Configuration register is 0x2142
Router#Router#Router#sh runBuilding configuration...

Current configuration : 1311 bytes!version 15.5service timestamps debug datetime msecservice timestamps log datetime msecno platform punt-keepalive disable-kernel-core!hostname Router!boot-start-markerboot-end-marker!!vrf definition Mgmt-intf ! address-family ipv4 exit-address-family ! address-family ipv6 exit-address-family!!no aaa new-model!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!subscriber templatingmultilink bundle-name authenticated!!!!license udi pid ISR4331/K9 sn FDO22371BBTlicense boot level appxk9!spanning-tree extend system-id!!redundancy mode none!!vlan internal allocation policy ascending!!!!!!!!!!!!!interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0 no ip address negotiation auto!interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1 no ip address negotiation auto!interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2 no ip address negotiation auto!interface GigabitEthernet0/1/0!interface GigabitEthernet0/1/1!interface GigabitEthernet0/1/2!interface GigabitEthernet0/1/3!interface GigabitEthernet0 vrf forwarding Mgmt-intf no ip address negotiation auto!interface Vlan1 no ip address!ip forward-protocol ndno ip no ip !!!!!control-plane!!line con 0 stopbits 1line aux 0 stopbits 1line vty 0 4 login!no network-clock synchronization automatic!end
■ 保証期間: NC/NRでお願いします。■




