Thank you for taking the time to view this. This is a 2003 Gibson Les Paul Historic Collection that was tuned and converted by PROVISION GUITAR in Yamaguchi Prefecture over a period of approximately three years to make it as close as possible to a BURST1959, with a thorough attention to detail. I ordered this guitar with the crazy request that PROVISION GUITAR spare no time or expense to make it just like a BURST.
PROVISION GUITAR: was founded in Ube City, Yamaguchi Prefecture in 1988. Their clients include Masayoshi Yamazaki, Takuya Ohashi, Tomio Inoue, Jun Shimoyama, Yoshiyuki Sahashi, EBI, Shoichi Tomomori, and Asako Miyazaki, among others.
Body: The top material was replaced with carefully selected AAA or higher-grade hard maple, which took quite some time to find. The top curve was also made using measurement data from a real BURST. In addition, the tailpiece position and binding width were made exactly like the original using measurement data from a real BURST.
Neck: To make it closer to a BURST, the entire neck was remade using carefully selected Honduran Mahogany. Of course, the fingerboard is also made of carefully selected Brazilian Rosewood, with four options presented to choose the best one. The trapezoid position inlays were also made with great attention to detail by PROVISION GUITAR.(Just this alone costs quite a bit...) This is a brief summary of the modifications made to the guitar by PROVISION GUITAR. The modifications were done with great care and attention to detail to make it as close as possible to a BURST.
<Other details> ○Pickups: Seymour Duncan APH-2n modified Requested a famous workshop to modify it to "PAF" (with DMC covers) ○Extremely thin lacquer coating (to resemble the color of a famous Burst [9 1953]) ○Uses mostly rare DMC parts that are currently difficult to obtain ※Brass for the bridge and peg metal parts ○Two 50"s Bumblebee capacitors (wiring: vintage style)
I believe this guitar is one-of-a-kind in the world. We had it made with the utmost dedication to create a guitar that could be loved for generations, but unfortunately my child has no interest in playing guitar... And I don"t know how many years I have left to play it myself. So, I have decided to put it up for sale in hopes that someone who will play it often can enjoy it, and the guitar can find its happiness.
When I had additional modifications done at a famous workshop in Tokyo, I received words of appreciation such as "the sound is fantastic... I"ll pay a good price to get it," "it"s almost like a BURST," and "the authentic aura of the appearance is amazing."
I"ve played many Les Paul BURST replicas, including the Historic Collection, MAX, Elliot, Historic Makeover, Dave Johnson, Fullertone, BrillBate, and Saito Guitars, but I feel that this one, made with absolute sincerity, is superior.
I am planning to sell it for a limited time. Please consider it.
以下、メイクオーバーの内容 ぜひご覧ください
2004年製・Gibson レスポール"59 ヒストリック・コレクションをベースに、
山口県のPROVISION GUITARさんが約3年かけて、BURST1959に近づけるべく、
PROVISION GUITARさんには、時間とお金がどれだけかかっても構わないので、
○極薄ラッカー塗装(*有名BURST[9 1953]のカラーに似せました)
ヒスコレはもちろん、MAX・エリオット・Historic Makeover
Dave Johnson改をはじめ、国産のFullertone・ブリルベイト
SAITO GUIATRSなどなど多くのレスポールのBURSTレプリカを
洋書・BURST BELIEVERS I&IIを差し上げます(2冊で程)
Thank you for taking the time to view this.
This is a 2003 Gibson Les Paul Historic Collection that was tuned and converted by
PROVISION GUITAR in Yamaguchi Prefecture over a period of approximately
three years to make it as close as possible to a BURST1959,
with a thorough attention to detail. I ordered this guitar with the crazy request
that PROVISION GUITAR spare no time or expense to make it just like a BURST.
was founded in Ube City, Yamaguchi Prefecture in 1988.
Their clients include Masayoshi Yamazaki, Takuya Ohashi, Tomio Inoue, Jun Shimoyama,
Yoshiyuki Sahashi, EBI, Shoichi Tomomori, and Asako Miyazaki, among others.
The top material was replaced with carefully selected AAA or higher-grade hard maple,
which took quite some time to find.
The top curve was also made using measurement data from a real BURST.
In addition, the tailpiece position and binding width were made
exactly like the original using measurement data from a real BURST.
To make it closer to a BURST, the entire neck was remade using
carefully selected Honduran Mahogany.
Of course, the fingerboard is also made of carefully selected
Brazilian Rosewood, with four options presented to choose the best one.
The trapezoid position inlays were also made with great attention to
detail by PROVISION GUITAR.(Just this alone costs quite a bit...)
This is a brief summary of the modifications made to the guitar
by PROVISION GUITAR. The modifications were done with great care
and attention to detail to make it as close as possible to a BURST.
<Other details>
○Pickups: Seymour Duncan APH-2n modified
Requested a famous workshop to modify it to "PAF" (with DMC covers)
○Extremely thin lacquer coating (to resemble the color of a famous Burst [9 1953])
○Uses mostly rare DMC parts that are currently difficult to obtain
※Brass for the bridge and peg metal parts
○Two 50"s Bumblebee capacitors (wiring: vintage style)
I believe this guitar is one-of-a-kind in the world.
We had it made with the utmost dedication to create a guitar that could be loved
for generations, but unfortunately my child has no interest in playing guitar...
And I don"t know how many years I have left to play it myself.
So, I have decided to put it up for sale in hopes that someone who will play it
often can enjoy it, and the guitar can find its happiness.
When I had additional modifications done at a famous workshop in Tokyo,
I received words of appreciation such as "the sound is fantastic...
I"ll pay a good price to get it," "it"s almost like a BURST,"
and "the authentic aura of the appearance is amazing."
I"ve played many Les Paul BURST replicas, including the Historic Collection,
MAX, Elliot, Historic Makeover, Dave Johnson, Fullertone, BrillBate,
and Saito Guitars, but I feel that this one, made with absolute sincerity, is superior.
I am planning to sell it for a limited time. Please consider it.
(2023年 5月 13日 13時 42分 追加)
問い合わせがございましたので、追記いたします。 ★ネックグリップ仕様:1959仕様(プロビジョンさんがお持ちの実機計測データより) →元々のヒスコレのネックよりも薄く仕上がっている感じがいたしました。 ホンマホ使用で元々のネックよりも強固・屈強、響きも俄然よくになった印象です ★プロビジョンギターによるメイクオーバー →プロビジョン担当者さまとのメールのやり取りを残しております。*掲載写真の中でも 塗装前・塗装してすぐの写真や、木材の写真はプロビジョン様撮影のものになります。 他の写真は当方の自宅で自然光で撮影した画像になります。 ★ヘッドのインレイについて 以下「」=プロビジョンさまからのメール引用: →「ロゴは新たに製作する事は出来ませんので、現状のモノを使用しての加工となります。」 (*贋作を作るワケにはいかないので…元々のヒスコレのインレイを流用にして頂きました) さらにヒスコレのシリアルナンバーをヘッド裏に刻印 (画像掲載のギブソン証明書に掲載の同シリアルナンバーです*数字ボカしております。) ★パーツについて ・DMCパーツ:テールピース・ブリッジ(ブラスサドル)PAFカバー、アイアンスタッド他 ・マシンヘッド=ブラス製(KEY"STONE 「ブラスポスト」カスタムペグ)*限定品 ・ピックガード / Hyhat-Knob(AREA59) ・50年代バンブルビーコンデンサ=(2013年ヤフオクで購入) ご検討のほど、よろしくお願い申し上げます
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Brush eight / 【SOLD】Gibson Custom Shop Historic collection 1959 Les Paul Standard Reissue Gloss "Hand Selected"
Gibson Custom Shop レスポール 1959 ヒストリック コンバージョン☆PROVISION GUITAR メイクオーバー|代購幫
Gibson Custom Shop レスポール 1959 ヒストリック コンバージョン☆PROVISION GUITAR メイクオーバー|代購幫